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Victoria and Jonathan at reBar Posted by Spencer on December 16, 2013

Sometimes, it’s the simplest of things you remember. Jonathan’s expression as Victoria came down the aisle, the smile on Victoria’s face, when she got back to the hotel to finish getting ready.

Little things, but things that say everything. Neither the sultry assertive smile you associate with the wedding industrial complex nor a smile possessed of the radiance that’s the stuff of ads. This was something far better and deeply simpler. It was the type of smile a face acquires over the course of living – reflexive, unassuming, and warm. The smile of a person, comfortable and present – as herself – and at her most beautiful for it. And that said it all to me. So by the time I did see Jonathan did see her coming down that aisle, none of it needed any explanation at all. I was just happy to be there to get to see it all go down.

